Lamb of God Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod. We are located at 57210 Allen Rd. Slidell, LA 70461
Come and see what we are all about. Come join us for worship, one of our weekly studies, or join us for one of our many events! All are freely Welcome!

Lamb of God (LoG) is a family of believers gathered around the means of grace of Word and Sacrament. We are equipped through these means for every good work, so we can be disciples making disciples.
We are a missional church that connects with our community by developing relationships with our neighbors, serving them in love, as Christ loved and served us.
(Mt. 5:13-14)
We are a loving and fun group of folks who enjoy having a good time, praying together, worshipping together and fellowshipping with one another.

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Get to Know Us
Rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we seek to make a difference in the lives of our members and our community through prayer, service, study of God's Word, and in Word and sacrament-based worship, and a living of discipleship as a result, or fruit of faith (Ephesians 2:10).
We believe that Christians are called not to condemn the world, but to share the Gospel, which is that God provided His salvation for the entire world. We show mercy to others as Jesus did, that all people might come to know God as a merciful Father who sent His only Son that we might not spend eternity without Him but have eternal life! (John 3:16-17)
All are freely welcomed here at Lamb of God. Come as you are. No one is ever turned away, for Jesus does not turn any of us away. "No perfect people are allowed here".